

Immunophotonics Winner of the Startup World Cup St Louis Regional Finals

Immunophotonics Winner of the Startup World Cup St Louis Regional Finals

Immunophotonics won the Startup World Cup St. Louis Regional finals. A big thank you to Emily Hemingway and her team at TechSTL for their hard work in organizing this remarkable event. You did an exceptional job! We also want to extend our gratitude to the judges—Vikram Lakhwara, Atul Kamra, Rick Holton Jr., and Julia Campbell—for their valuable feedback and for taking the time from their busy schedules to support such a fantastic event.

It was inspiring to witness so many talented startup companies and to enjoy their presentations. Silicon Valley, here we come! Immunophotonics’ CEO, Lu Alleruzzo, is honored to represent the St. Louis region this October.

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