What is IIO?

Interventional Immuno-Oncology® (IIO) is a new field that combines the physical destruction of cancer through interventional oncology procedures with synergistic drugs to provide the maximum benefit to patients.

Injecting IP-001, the leading asset in this new field, following a tumor ablation or radiation procedure is intended to transform these tumor destruction techniques into a systemically active immunotherapy.

Abscopalize it!®

Cancer is, by definition, a systemic disease, yet often surgical or interventional procedures that destroy tumors in the body, such as tumor ablation or radiation, treat only single tumors. Immunophotonics is pioneering a way to get more out of each of these procedures with a technique that we call abscopalizing.

The abscopalizing effect can be achieved through a simple injection of our novel drug IP-001 in conjunction with these single tumor interventions. Following the injection of our investigational drug, IP-001 captures tumor identifying material called antigens, activates the local immune system, and ignites a whole-body immune response against the cancer. In this systemic immune response, killer T cells circulate through the body, now with IP-001-enabled targeting coordinates, allowing them to identify, attack, and kill the cancer wherever it is hiding. If you aim to treat the disease, not just the tumor – Abscopalize it!®

The term “abscopal” (‘ab’ - away from, ‘scopus’ - target) was first used in 1953 referring to an effect where shrinkage of a tumor after treatment with radiation was seen concurrently with shrinkage of a tumor at a distance, outside of the treatment area. Although the mechanism of action underlying the abscopal effect is now understood to be mediated by the immune system, even modern immuno-oncology drugs are not able to reliably trigger an abscopal response.

IP-001 transforms a routine tumor ablation into a systemic immunotherapy:

A routine ablation is
performed, breaking up a targeted

IP-001 is immediately injected into
the ablated tissue capturing liberated
tumor antigens.

The IP-001-antigen complex
interacts with antigen presenting
cells, potently activating the APCs
and increasing the uptake of tumor
neoantigens into the stimulated
immune cells.

The activated APCs process the
tumor antigens and inundate
nearby lymph nodes, triggering a
systemic T-cell response
against the cancer.

IP-001 transforms a routine tumor ablation into a systemic immunotherapy:

A routine ablation is
performed, breaking up a targeted

IP-001 is immediately injected into
the ablated tissue capturing liberated
tumor antigens.

The IP-001-antigen complex
Interacts with antigen presenting
Cells, potently activating the APCs
And increasing the uptake of tumor
Neoantigens into the stimulated
immune cells.

The activated APCs process the
tumor antigens and inundate
nearby lymph nodes, triggering a
systemic T-cell response
against the cancer.